Here at FTI we have a unique approach to comprehensive chinuch ha-banim which focuses on in-depth learning of Gemara. The goal is for the Gemara to come alive to the point that it is passionately debated between Rebbe and Talmid and even between Talmid and Talmid during shiur. This type of Torah learning impacts a Jewish neshama like nothing else.
Mussar and Hashkafa
Daily hashkafa and mussar shiur is perhaps the most important 15 minutes of the day in Yeshiva, and it is now more critical than ever. We strive to slowly and steadily counter-balance the demise of morality and decency in today’s world and replace it with lofty Torah ideals of Gadlus Ha’adam (the greatness of man) and Shlaimus (the perfection of one’s character traits).
General Studies
Under the able leadership of our secular studies principal Mr. Fred Brockman, we are fortunate to have a phenomenal lineup of teachers this year. Mr. Brockman runs the secular department under his award-winning “teaching with mentchlechkeit” program and H.A.R.R.R.P. (Honesty. Attitude. Respect. Responsibility. Rights. Persistance.)
Nothing is more conducive to learning (or almost any other achievement in life for that matter) than happiness. At FTI one of our highest priorities is to ensure our students are happy and feel comfortable with their surroundings and themselves. This is achieved first and foremost by giving them a healthy dose of respect and confidence. This is also accomplished by focusing on what’s really important; i.e., learning, halacha, ben adam lachavero, derech eretz, etc., and not overburdening them with unessential rules. This approach gives them the space and time they need to slowly and steadily mature Be”H into lifetime Bnei Torah.
We introduced an electives period during the afternoon class schedule to break up the day and give our students the flexibility and opportunity to select a topic of study of personal interest to them. Students are offered Krav Maga lessons and practice Mixed Martial Arts. The grounds have a basketball court and football field. Music lessons are available during the elective period and music is heard often throughout the day and night. There are also two weekly trips to the JCC and shabbatons periodically. Additionally, students can take advantage of extra Torah learning opportunities through our early morning shiur led by a Bais Medrash student and our expanded night seder progam.