FTI: A Yeshiva where students not only learn the Torah, they learn to live the Torah.
I had the privilege of spending a Shabbos in the Foxman Torah Institute and was very impressed by the yeshiva. There is great potential for growth and they could become a major national torah mossad. There is a critical need for more space and anyone who helps in their building campaign will have a share in the impressive accomplishments of the yeshiva.

I am very familiar with the Mesivta of Cherry Hill and can tell you that they treat each bochur mamash like a son. We have sent a good number of our bachurim there, and have been absolutely thrilled with the results. They are producing emesdika b’nei Torah, balei midos and emotionally healthy bachurim. It's a mitzva gedola to help this incredible makom Torah build a new building to enable them to be mechanech many more talmidim.

I personally have been involved with the Yeshiva of Cherry Hill since it started, know the Roshei Yeshiva well, and can tell you that it's a chashuva makom Torah. Anyone who can help them with their new building campaign will certainly have a chelek in the haramas keren haTorah in Southern New Jersey and will be enabling many more talmidim to benefit from this very exceptional Yeshiva.

It’s amazing to see the geshmak and joy that the talmidim experience while learning with Rabbi Juni.