Judaic Studies Curriculum


The centerpiece of the Limdui Kodesh program is the intensive study of Gemara and classical meforshim. The primary objective is to develop the language, critical thinking, and reasoning skills necessary for sophisticated learning.

The shuirim emphasize careful and thorough examination of the text and dialogue of the Gemara, Rashi, and Tosfos.  Under the guidance of the Rebbe, talmidim are encouraged to develop a mature understanding of differing opinions, proof – and – refutation, and stated and implied conclusions.

The shiurim are challenging and highly interactive so that talmidim are stimulated and involved, and encouraged to exercise their own intellect in the learning process.

Objective: To inspire a love for learning while building skills and increasing comprehension.

I.) Comprehension

A.) Lumdus
B.) Contrasting the הוה אמינא  to the מסקנא
C.) The mechanics of a “Proof”
D.) What’s bothering רש”י
E.) Contrasting  differing explanations of the same גמרא  by two מפרשים
F.) Drawing conclusions
G.) Seeing the big picture

II.) Skill Set – “The Way ש”ס Works”

A.) Who is speaking
B.) Not losing a train of thought
C.) Antecedents
D.) Relating גמרא  back to the משנה
E.) Style and flow of משנה  and גמרא
F.) Recognizing an implied step or question
G.) Punctuating and recognizing where the question ends and answer begins
H.) דיוק –  Making inferences

III.) Vocabulary

A.) Recognizing common words and phrases
B.) Connecting words to common usages in גמרא
C.) Increasing vocabulary

IV.) Who’s Who in ש”ס  and פסוקים

A.) Awareness of time line of תנאים, אמוראים, ראשונים, אחרונים

V.) ידעות

A.) General ש”ס  concepts


Fundamental Mussar values, such as character development, human dignity, derech eretz, honesty, humility, and responsibility to Klal Yisroel, are an integral part of the ethical personality of the Ben Torah.  These values play a vital role in all areas of development including one’s growth in learning, one’s ability to confront the challenges of life and appreciation of the richness and beauty of Yiddeshkiet.

These concepts are presented in a manner consistent with the principle that all learning is most effectively transmitted by actively engaging the talmid’s intellect.  The program includes regular daily shiurim in the classical mussar works, weekly shmuesin, and shiurim in Chumash and Navi where these principles are identified and elucidated.


The course syllabus is comprised primarily of the following classical commentaries:

פירוש רשי (as elucidated  by  רבי אליהו מזרחי and גור אריה  )

פירוש הרמבן

פירוש רבינו עובדיא ספורנו

Pertinent מדרשים  and פסקי הלכה

Objective: To inspire an enduring love and appreciation for the study of תורה שבכתב  with מפרשים. This lifelong endeavor forges a meaningful and profound understanding of one’s self, his universe and his Creator.

I.) Develop Textual Skills

A.) Broaden Vocabulary Base
B.) Master Essential Grammar Principles
C.) Recognize implied and unspoken questions
D.) Acquire research techniques

II.) Expand Knowledge Base

A.) Establish context and perspective to appreciate particular events
B.) Identify Halachic and or historical implications of all subject matter
C.) Develop mature understanding of previously learned material

III.) Establish Relevance

A.)  Identify ethical and moral ideals revealed by Torah
B.) Illuminate the Torah’s outlook on the human condition
C.) Cultivate a genuine identification with כלל ישראל


Course Material: Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim with Mishna Berura primarily focused on select Halachos of sections 1, 2, and 3

Objective: To master practical everyday areas of Halacha in an organized sequential way. Students will Be”h know what to do, and how to find out what should be done, quickly and efficiently by opening a Mishna Berura and being able to read it and understand it.
