Rabbi Moshe Strassfeld, FTI’s 11th Grade Iyun Rebbe, joined FTI at the beginning of the 2018-2019 school year. Rabbi Strassfeld spent many years immersed in Torah study as a member of the Kollel in Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim in Queens, NY. During his decade of study in Queens, Rabbi Strassfeld had the opportunity to become a close talmid of the Roshei HaYeshiva, HaRav Dovid Harris shlitah and HaRav Akiva Grunblatt shlitah, as well as many other Rebbeim in the yeshiva. In particular, Rabbi Strassfeld served as secretary to Rabbi Mordecai Tropper zt”l, legendary mashgiach of the Yeshiva, where he was afforded an insider’s view of his wisdom and of his devotion to the talmidei hayeshiva. Since joining FTI, Rabbi Strasseld has been taken by the selfless devotion, love, mesiras nefesh, and personal responsibility that the rebbeim feel toward the talmidim. Rabbi Strassfeld is passionate about continuing that tradition and is doing his part to create an atmosphere where talmidim can grow into b’nei Torah of the highest caliber. Rabbi Strassfeld teaches 11th Grade Iyun, 10th Grade Halacha, and 11th Grade Bkius, and he is the Beis Medrash night seder Behalfer. Rabbi Kramer, FTI’s Menahel, stated: “The talmidim of FTI are blessed to have Rabbi Strassfeld as a Rebbe. In addition to being an outstanding talmid chacham and mevakesh ha’emes, Rabbi Strassfeld has a deep care and love for the talmidim. There were many times that I have personally witnessed that when a talmid of his succeeded in saying a good sevara, it mamash made his day.”
Meet Rabbi Moshe Strassfeld FTI’s New Beloved 11th Grade Rebbe