Rabbis Shimon Max, Yisrael Davidowitz and Chaim Juni built a beautiful, loving Yeshiva in Cherry Hill, NJ, bringing authentic chinuch to the youth of South Jersey and Philadelphia, and in doing so attracted talmidim from Lakewood and from across the nation. They are the only Mesivta and Bais Medrash in Southern New Jersey, setting up a Torahdik future for thousands of Jewish families, Bezras Hashem. Let us all help them build!
Based on my close relationship with RABBI DAVIDOWITZ and RABBI JUNI, dating back to our days in Yeshiva together, I have developed such respect and confidence in them, that I would fully trust them with my own children’s chinuch.
FTI: A Yeshiva where students not only learn the Torah, they learn to live the Torah.
FTI is blessed with amazing Roshei Yeshiva and faculty, so capable, warm, and caring. It is heartwarming to see FTI bursting at the seams, and such a blessing for our community.
It’s amazing to see the geshmak and joy that the talmidim experience while learning with Rabbi Juni.

FTI has become an important part of the fabric of our community, providing intensive Torah study and growth opportunities for their students, as well as inspiration and outreach to the Jewish community at large.