The yeshiva recognizes that nothing is more conducive to learning and overall growth than happiness and a healthy self-image. It is therefore committed to treating each and every student with the utmost respect and dignity. Students are recognized for their individual strengths and personal accomplishments, and are so measured against a barometer of their individual abilities.
No effort is spared in the pursuit of keeping students happy and positive. Rebbeim strive to develop close relationships with their talmidim, thereby creating a warm, accepting, and close- knit atmosphere, one of the great hallmarks of FTI. Numerous other highly popular activities include in-shabbasos and yomim tovim, out-of-town shabbatons, special guest speakers, Rosh Chodesh parties, and visits to gedolim.
Extra Learning Opportunities
- Pre-shacharis coffee club shiur
- Breakfast Chabura learning Mishnayos
- Afternoon Seder for twelfth graders
- Night seder for local and boarding students
- Late night mishmar and “matziv’s”
- Reading Incentive program to read an amud flawlessly in under 5 minutes
- Bein hazmanim chazara & minyanim program
- Breakfast and Hashkafa with Roshei Yeshiva
- Chovos Ha’Levavos with Rabbi Max