FTI is proud to present its 14th mesivta graduating class. ALL of the graduating students are planning to continue learning in bais medrash programs, whether it be here at FTI, or at other yeshivas in Eretz Yisrael or North America. The graduates have grown and accomplished so much this year and in their previous years at FTI. We are so very proud of ALL of our graduates: Chayim Glantz (Lakewood) Valedictorian, Dov Sokolin (Cherry Hill) Salutatorian, Dovid Gelberman (Detroit) Gershon Weider Memorial Derech Eretz Award. Dovid Max (Cherry Hill) Iris Frankel Memorial Zrizus B’Mitzvos Award, Moshe Abrahamson (Rochester) Yom Tov Becher (Bayswater) Chaim Eli Blumberg (Queens) Eitan Chamish (Monsey) Zeke Cohen (Cherry Hill) Aaron Avigdor Siegelman (Philadelphia)
Mazel Tov to FTI’s 14th Graduating Class 10 New Graduates…Well-Prepared to Begin a New Chapter